Research Interest
Our aim is to develop and apply novel super resolution microscopy approaches
to contribute to new discoveries and ideas within the basic life sciences.
Our long-term goal is to contribute to the understanding
of fundamental biological processes relevant for health and disease.
Super Resolution
Fluorescence microscopes, and especially their confocal and two-photon variants,
are unique in their ability to observe directly morphological changes
and molecular reactions in living cells.
However, they are limited in resolution by the diffraction barrier (about 200-300 nm).
This limitation is overcome with great success by the field of super-resolution microscopy.
Utilizing both the low light intensities of RESOLFT combined with the high acquisition speeds of STED
we study neuronal protein organization and dynamics in brain tissues.
We continuosly push the spatial and temporal resolution of novel microscopy techniques
to enable more in depth studies of nanoscale structures and dynamics in biological samples.